

Yeah, getting a lot of fake e-mails. If you reply to these fake e-mails, you get no response. Also may be a phishing scheme as the bots seem to want you to e-mail from outside the site using your private email servers. Beware of this site!!!

Nice interface and well put together website

You can't read incoming messages without subscribing- The better way to handle this is to not allow people to send email until they subscribe. Seems to be alot of BOTS and fake profiles. They need to come up with better defense to bots and provide better verification that a person signing up is real.

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Whe I first signed up a recieved many emails for just checkin out profiles and rating, in stars, the profile of the woman in question. They all wrote me emails(about 20). They predomanately asked me the same vague, unspecific, modeled question: "Tell me more about yourself" some with minor variations. This site is a scam! Tell everyone you know!

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