

Did any one receive an email from FLIRT that gave them a user name and password?
My husband said he never went to that site. However he received a welcome from Flirt and it had a username, similar to his log on name and a password. Just checking. Let me know. THANKS!

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4 replies

i have never heard of such crap no one can get access to a password for the site,
keep an eye out.........
id be very warey if i were you.
good luck

This happened to me. My BF is currently deleting the profile-it's a total fake and I never signed up for it. It's trouble and I can see how it could destroy relationships-but trust me, I never signed up for it so your hubby prob didn't either!

That happened to me as well. The emails even had a username that I have used elsewhere on the web. The emails really made it look like I had signed up with them even though I hadn't even heard of them before.

The same thing happened to my mum, it has recovered a picture for her flirt 'profile' from a social networking site. I have tried to remove the account but there just seems t be no way of doing it. have any of you succeeded?

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