Plenty of fatties

I've been on this site for about a year. I met a woman and saw her several times. She turned out to be a headcase although crazy in the head usually means fun in bed which it was. I find that one out of 20 emails get answered. Lots of time for very little return. I've seen the same profiles come up as supposed matches. Very little new talent. I've probably been out on a dozen meetings, but unfortunately my third eye isn't blind. I have encountered more than a couple that started right out by describing their financial woes. If you have a lot of time and energy and can tolerate total rejection by all means sign up because it costs nothing but time.

As a word of caution, beware of women that lack full body photos unless you are looking for somebody that outweighs you. T Rex lives at pof...


plenty of problems and head cases. the few decent looking women in my age group are stuck up bitches that truly believe there is no odor to their fecal matter.

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