A site full of cowards & fakes

A site full of cowards & fakes

I had been on & off adam4adam for about 2 years, and have NEVER met anyone for several reasons. Most are fake profiles that the a4a staff or support..whatever you want to call them...have a habit of violating the law and steal pics to create FAKE profiles...then setting their profile up in california..( an example) then glancing at another profile that is in iowa...it does not make sense nor is that reliable.

They do this to harass others online but sit in the corner like a coward when you show them the same treatment! I am not going to support a fake site just to have more block room, even if you create another profile they do the same crap, so the site is not worth my time or anyone elses for that matter. Stick to craigslist or another site that works, this one is just not reliable, it deserves to be shut down.

None that i am aware of

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