Reviews has helped a large number of Muslim singles discover their match. As one of the heading Islamic marital destinations, we are one of the biggest and most trusted locales around. Very few different destinations can offer you a participation database of in excess of 5 million parts with the guarantee of acquainting you with single Muslim men and ladies over the world. is a piece of the entrenched Cupid Media organizes that works in excess of 30 respectable specialty dating destinations. Not at all like other internet dating destinations, is only for those looking for Muslim singles for marriage in a way that sticks to the Islamic leads on wooing. Our participation base is made up of in excess of 5 million singles from USA, Europe, Asia, the Middle East and numerous different nations. is committed to helping you discover the ideal Islamic match, regardless of where on the planet they may be. As a chief site for Muslim relational unions, we effectively unite singles from far and wide. Since 2006, a great many blissful men and ladies have met their perfect partners on and have imparted their stories to us. Look at the numerous examples of overcoming adversity here. Give a chance to help you satisfy your confidence and gain your prize from Allah (swt). Join free today. is a pro Muslim matrimonials and matchmaking site that supports Muslim men and ladies to discover their ideal match anyplace on the planet. We offer amicable administration combined with advanced pursuit and informing offices that will make your quest for genuine romance fun and charming. Dissimilar to some different destinations, offers cordial, customized administration combined with the most recent engineering. We additionally comprehend the inspirations and desires of individuals from assorted foundations looking to discover their ideal match and feel that our own particular encounters could be of important support. We comprehend that sometimes, the ideal one for you is placed at the flip side of the earth! Regardless of where that extraordinary individual is, or why you need to reach them, we can help you to discover your ideal match. Seek through thousands profiles of appealing, neighborly men and ladies from all foundations looking to reach somebody much the same as you. Your own particular individual inbox permits you to effortlessly and secretly discover your ideal match. Include a profile right away and join with a photograph at


A free membership offers you lots of possibilities. But, to get full acces to all the features, you need a upgrade of your account. The price for a full membership depends on your subscription. A 3 month Gold membership will cost you $20.00 per month. This is a promo price, because you will save 33%! To get access to special features, there is a special promo price: $ 23.33 per month for a Platimun Membership for 3 months. Reviews

    Worst Dating Site - A Scam

    I first joined Muslima in October 2014, as a paying member. Being a practicing Muslim from Australia, I was seriously looking for marriage, so I turned to this site with good intention and high hopes. Unfortunately, I quickly found out that Muslima is full of scammers and gold diggers from third world countries.

    Beware of women from Morocco, I found most of them gold diggers looking for a better life in Western countries. I received hundreds of messages from young Moroccan women claiming they are serious about marriage. Shortly after exchanging contact numbers and following a few conversations on WhatsApp, they did not hesitate to ask for money. One of them from Casablanca claimed her mother was very sick and she had to take a loan from the bank to send her mother for treatment. As soon as I started questioning the validity of her claims, she blocked me on WhatsApp and disappeared from the Muslima website.

    I met a Moroccan girl from Rabat who seemed very genuine and serious. I travelled all the way to Rabat to meet her and her parents, and to plan our marriage. When I reached there, there were no parents. She came to pick me at the airport with her friend and she took me to a two bedroom apartment. After staying with her for a week, she made me understand that I have to spend a fortune on the wedding due to some stupid Moroccan culture whereby she has to invite hundreds of relatives, with all costs borne by the future husband. I also found out that her ambitions were to do a Master degree course in Australia, and that she was looking for a good man to fund all this. It was not easy for me to get out of this relationship. She continued to harass me for a year, with constant threats that she will come to Australia to murder me.

    The sad truth is that Muslima is well aware of these scammers, but somehow Muslima encourages this, as they are also part of the scam.

    Muslima claims it has an office in Australia, however it is impossible to get hold of them. And they do not respond to emails. It is quite surprising that the authorities allow Muslima to continue in its scam.

    Finally, there is no doubt that Muslima is part of a human trafficking ring.


    1. Scam website
    2. No customer service
    3. No office in Australia
    4. Site full of gold diggers and scammers


    Most of the responses I got were from foreigners who were not interested in me as much as they were becoming US citizens. There are few if any economic opportunities in the regions the foreigners who contacted me were from. One other, very scary thing I discovered when looking at the facebook accounts of the friends of the Algerian man I was interested in was human trafficing. I saw what looked like 12 year olds dressed up like prostitutes with much older men (and only men) liking their photos as well as evidence of organ trafficing. PLEASE, MEN AND WOMEN, DO NOT GO TO MEET SOMEONE IN AFRICA OR THE MIDDLE EAST WHO YOU HAVE ONLY MET THROUGH THE INTERNET. IT COULD COST YOU YOUR LIFE!!!

    Getting a lot of attention from men makes you feel special like no other dating site.

    The let down when you realize all the lavish attention is really only about the opportunity fir them to get a greencard.

    Proceed with extreme caution

    I signed up on over ten years ago (I'm still single by the way). I closed it for many years and then last year people in my social circle started talking about it as some of them met people on there so I checked it out again.

    Of the guys I can remember speaking to:

    1) After a few messages and me not being interested enough, but still curious, we met for coffee. The conversation was nice, but he was too old for me and I was not attracted to him in the least. Needless to say there were no further coffee dates.

    2) Lied about living in Texas. Was actually based in Pakistan and later admitted to trying to get a visa into the US by marriage. I'm not American and I guess he developed feelings or a conscience so he told me the truth. He eventually disappeared off the site.

    3) Was seeking friendship only, but after speaking to me for a while he developed feelings. Once he graduated from Uni a year later, he decided to cancel our meeting and moved in with his new girlfriend instead. (haha fantastic!)

    4) Very nice and decent revert. By this time I was so jaded and many years older, I had little faith in this website. However, we spoke over the phone a few times and it was pleasant BUT sorry no attraction from my side. Cute guy but we were too different. I told him that I can't move forward with anything because we're not a good match. He accepted at first, but later became a bit needy, so I stopped communication.

    5) (My favourite) He messaged me and we chatted for a few hours. He seemed decent and we spoke about our jobs, families and interests. Things were looking good as far as first chats go. I was pleased to find him online again two days later, but this time my "potential" was at work and a little less eager to chat. I don't check the site often so I gave him my number so he could get in touch. He agreed to contact me later that day, but two days later I log onto the site and guess what... his profile was deleted. What a shame! I really had hope this time around haha.

    So this site has brought nothing but disappointment. But then again, perhaps it's the people who use it and not the site ;)

    block who you want
    you can see who views your profile

    Desperate, dishonest people are in abundance.
    Members are encouraged to send "mass interest" to dozens of profiles after logging in (without even viewing the profiles) and this gets annoying when you receive so many notifications.

    scammers will try to keep you on the website wasting time and money.

    Dating and romance scammers will try to keep you on the website wasting time and money.They often claim to be from Australia or another western country, but travelling or working overseas.

    Once they have gained your trust and your defenses are down, they will ask you (either subtly or directly) for money, gifts or your banking/credit card details. They may also ask you to send pictures or videos of yourself, with identy fraud they may ask you to send an ID or passport.

    very likely to be forms of money laundering or just a scam which is a criminal offence. The researcher identified the behavior as organized stalking and described it as "emotional harassment" involving "hostile and unethical communication directed in a systematic way by one or a few individuals mainly towards one individual."

    Dating and romance scams often take place through online dating websites, but scammers may also use social media or email to make contact. They have even been known to telephone their victims as a first introduction. These scams are also known as ‘catfishing’.
    There are:
    Clues of fake profiles pictures
    Clues of fake profiles
    Clues of fake conversations
    For example to chat privately leads to nothing at all

    Scammers typically create fake online profiles designed to lure you in. They may use a fictional name, or falsely take on the identities of real, trusted people such as military personnel, aid workers or professionals working abroad.

    Scammers will go to great lengths to gain your interest and trust, such as showering you with loving words, sharing ‘personal information’. They may take months to build what may feel like the romance of a lifetime and may even pretend to book flights to visit you, but never actually come.

    Scam and a ripoff

    I was receiving messages from members and when I contacted them they said they never send me any messages.
    The only way to read a message is to pay $35 a month... isn't that convenient!?
    I wonder who sent me those messages!??... well if you have 2% of common sense you'll figure it out ;)



    Avoid like the plague goes at great lengths to carry out it's elaborate scam.... Basically I found a perfect match on there and she gave me her contact details to continue talking to her. Finding this match took many months of searching and paying them money. The frauds at then removed that message before I got a chance to take down the girls contact details. This girl told me she wanted to close her profile but wished to continue talking with me. After speaking with the most unhelpful and unsympathetic support rep. they rudely closed the phone in my face and refused to give me my messages back alleging that giving me access to MY messages again is a breach of their policy. This is how they treat their paying members. This is absolutely outrageous. It is a frustrating struggle to sift through the countless fake profiles to get someone who is genuinely interested in talking to you and when you finally do find someone they the put all blocks in place to prevent me talking to her. It's obvious that they want me to keep paying them to keep sending messages to their fake profiles rather than actually get a match. This is an obvious ploy to keep me subscribed to waste time with the countless fake profiles on their site (which probably created themselves).... HEED MY ADVICE AND AVOID THIS WEBSITE AT ALL COSTS.

    Nice search features... BUT see below

    .... when you do search the results return 99% fake profiles

    Also the vast majority of profiles are Moroccan/North African and Indonesian girls who cannot speak English. What's with that? Are they the only countries that are looking for marriage??? Seems suspicious to me.

    Rude and unhelpful admin staff.

    Insane privacy policy where they are totally against members exchanging personal contact details.

    Be carful of this website

    this is SCAM , i joined for 6 months , more than 80% of the profiles are fake and has been controlled by the admin , i don't recommend it it's waist of time and money be careful !

    Identity theft

    They disactivated my account and when I ask for help, they requested from me to send a my CREDIT CARD (front and back) and a copy of my ID.

    Just sit down and think when they get a copy of my Credit Card (front and back) and a copy of my ID, imagine what will happen? They can clone my credit card and figure out the pin code.

    They will use a program called Salami. This program just shoves away small amount of money which is difficult to detect, like frictional pennies or they can use my card the way they want since they have all my personal information.

    I have no doubt that this website sells identities and credit cards to third parties. Sooner or later people will know that this website is run by a criminal group or they work with a criminal group.

    "To do this, please email us a scanned copy of your credit card (front and back) or your card statement AND a copy of your government issued photo ID to [email protected]."

    Good Algorithm.

    Identity theft

    The adim is a scammer

    I have upgraded my account to Gold on Muslima and as soon as I payed they suspend my account. Then I got a message saying that I have to send them my governmental ID and my real name.
    This is a dating website and you don't know those people . I don't know also what they want to do with this personal information. I mailed them that I can't give them my personal information and requested a refund. I got no answer and I send again and again. They still ignored my messages. At last I contacted PayPal and told that I am dealing with real scammer and a need help. In two hours, I got a message from the adim saying that they will issue full refund.

    My recommendations:

    1- Don't use your real name just take a nickname
    2- Pay with PayPal so you can make a case against them if they cancel or suspend your account
    3- Don't write your exactly your date of birth just change the month or the day. You don't how your personal information will be used. You don't know these people

    Well designed good features.

    This website is a scam for certain reason:

    1- Robot message: Before I finish my registration, I got contacts from standard members. You should know that the standard members can't see you unless you finish and they don't have that facility. This is a robot generated messages.

    2- Payment: They recommend that you pay with your bankCard. If you don't have 3D security Card it is better to use Paypal. They don't like to use Paypal because it is easy to make a case against them on PayPal.

    3 - Your email: I only created an email for them and after two weeks, I get Ads from other companies. This means that they sell members' emails to other companies.

    4: Personal Information: If they have your personal information, you are under the mercy of Muslima admin. They are only missing little personal information about you. Let us say that they are honest. But if the website is hacked, your personal information and your bankCard details will be in Black Markets.

    5- Online memebers: Some time I see 5000 members are online. This is a exaggerated number. Even the best websites of dating don't have this number.

    At last, you can deal with this website but you should be in safe side.

    Unprofessional Admin Team - One MAN BAND Company

    They dont respond to you
    few things have happened using this site..
    they suspend you for no reason without displaying any valid proof even though you have paid them for a service. They do not respond to your emails.

    i have requested a full refund yet they ignore, to be honest i dont need to use their site.. Use its far more reliable..

    i also found out that someone from tried taking out £97 out of my account... when i asked the admin team they ignoredmy emails and now they just ignore all my emails. i have reported them to my bank.

    do not use their company.. dont give them your money.. is a SCAM STAY AWAY



    The users on the site are dodgy and will scan you left right and centre.

    When I tried switching off my profile a very pious man gave me his number. Well, he actually sneakily fed it through as he was not a paying member. About a week after conversations he asked me for money! Bloody scum bag.
    Do not be fooled into thinking that these people are decent practising Muslims because they are not. Also, this bloke was actually from England, a very civilised and western country. He lied out of his backside to get money. Said he prayed six times a day and was a good decent practicing muslim. First his house was about to be repossessed, then his dad died. I wonder what would have been next. Oh I know, rot for eternity in hell!!!
    Most of the people on here are not Muslims. The site administrators only care about the money and not the validity of people who actually want to find their other half. They don't help you with the complaints procedure.
    A lot of frauds on the site. Best to avoid it altogether before you end up getting stuck in a rut.


    Everything that could go wrong will go wrong. Dodgy creeps galore! Please use eharmony or

    Fake side

    The company (Muslima) totally fake. They using photo very respectable people for example Mishary Bin Rashid Alafasy from Kuwait. He is very good Islamic preacher. Before I write down I make sure to confirm his photo.... If any one want to check then this the Profile and ID No.

    Intileyia 35


    Everything lie

    Still checking it out...

    Site doesn't look 'Islamic' at all. I wish it was more controlled because the amount of creeps on that site is too damn high. Suspend the account of pervs!
    Hardly any men from my area. All i keep getting interest is from those creep ass Algerians and overseas Arabs who are like my grandad's age!


    Creep ass thirsty idiots on there.
    Site owners need to control what's going on.

    I believe most of the profiles are fake

    I joined this website like a month ago. I felt there is something wrong about this website:
    1. The number of online members is too large to be true ( doesn't happen even on more popular websites!)
    2. As a guy who was previously a member of other Arab or Muslim dating websites, I could tell that maybe more than 80% of profiles on this website are fake. How did I guess that? easy, when you show your interest or view a member's profile, it's a natural instinct to check and view who showed interest in you. I don't get fooled easily, I did that just to check if this website is real or not before I become a paid member. I showed interest in more than 60 profiles and viewed maybe a hundred or more and NOT a single one of them viewed my profile back or showed any interest back!! This never happened before, why would a serious girl who 'has a profile' and 'posted her pic' on this website won't have any kind of interest to check her activity and view the profiles who showed interest on her or the ones who viewed her profile? Something is NOT right, it's fishy. Even the prettiest girls who looks shallow and has inflated egos on other websites DO check the people who viewed their profiles or sent them a wink or interest out of curiosity even if they are not interested in you! Which proves my point that most of these profiles are fake!
    3. I tried editing my profile and it asks you to rewrite the whole profile again, when you send them email for help, you never get an answer back. that doesn't sound right too.
    4. After reading other reviews that they terminate your membership after start talking to someone for no reason, or just delete your account, they keep the pics, etc. etc, I'm now certain that they are scam artists.

    Looks good

    fake profiles
    scam artists

    not effective

    I be been free members for several years but from time to time I become paid. Indeed there are real people there, but they rarely entertain me.
    There are too many Tunisian and Moroccan who can't speak English.
    The Russians and Ukrainian are mostly fake.
    I gave my email to a Ukraine girl and we exchange some emails. She even gave me many pretty photos of her. I ve been trying to get her phone number and Facebook account but she yet to give that. On the other, she kept writing some nice words. I still wait and see whether she will give her number or not.
    See whether she is a scam or real.

    All are related to Muslim culture
    It is more international compared to popular site that only limited to USA,,Australia and brazil

    Only get about 3 replies after hundreds of attempt.
    Too many Moroccan and Tunisian Algerian who don't speak English.
    The Ukraine and Russian girls are mostly fake
    99.9% of members are free members. So they will not take you seriously


    Okay so I've signed up a few times for and everything goes good for about 4 hours, then when I'm having a great conversation with someone, my account will randomly get "terminated" .

    Honestly this website is a waste of time, it has good features but what is the point of using it if you can't even finish your conversation with the people you were getting to know.

    I blame the site administers, they do a terrible time of keeping customers .

    I was really enjoying my time on muslima. Com until they randomly decide to terminate my account, I write to the help/support and they never reply back. So imagine how frustrating it is, to take the time , create a account (which takes 20 minutes). To fill out all the info, ECt.

    Then on top of that it takes time to get to know the people, and while I'm talking to someone my account no longer works.


    Don't spend your money, because they will terminate your account for no reason.

    This is the second time this has happened to me.

    The first time I purchased a account on the site, it was June 2013, my account was active for 3 days, I was talking to people,on there then when I tried logging in one day it said "account has been terminated". .

    I can't believe this happened to me AGAIN,,!!

    I really don't recommend anyone sign up for this site, they will take your money and terminate your account without any notice, they don't even tell you why.

    It also makes you look like a bad person, because you were in the middle of conversations with people, then you suddenly disappear, because they terminate your account, and you have no chance to go back and tell those people you wanna get to know them better.

    This site has a lot of potential, but the people that manage the site are SCAMMERS,they get you to sign up for the account. And they terminate your account and they don't even tell you why.. Honestly sign up for a different website,because this one is a complete joke. Thanks for listening.

    Search feature is nice.

    Too many cons to list, just read above.

    thousands of blistering........

    (this review is over a decade old and can not be relevant anymore)

    site muslima... cupid media. what else cupid holds.

    business ! and running good.

    maximize profit someway anyway, ResMngmnt and RevnueGen, fair enough !

    my boss always gets headache running a gud-damn busy-ness.

    opportunities for for many to earn some. kinda employment !

    member count exponential. ids random, not serial ..........million members, very sad.

    except the few fools, and fewer lucky ones, all like me are just moving in circles, confused, sad, impatient... ? something what, we might have forgotten .....hundreds of hours of time, energy, ... might

    true, the choice is ours, always.

    thanks bother. may.............

    and i must say aranoyas.



    Good but be careful

    I have been using since 2006 , what I discovered are
    1. some of the members are employed my this site, once I complained against one of the member and I I have told the this Member has 4 membership same picture , but they did nothing to stop her

    2. Any member not logging into site for long time the staffs of this site logging and sending interest or mail behalf of the member without her or his knowledge.

    3. I am not sure if the owner of this site is Muslim !!!

    4. first see the member face to face on the webcam then start involving with her or him.

    5. If she says that she is orphan or poor or Lost her both parents now that big red light

    6. You can come across honest girls but that very few.

    Be careful don't blame others

    or dating sites are big scams

    I also once got scammed! but I prayed so much and later I got the true loving man..Alhamdullillah!

    I used this site as a free member for more than two years, after some scam then ALlah guided me to the real right one who Iwe got married last year November. I am happy and I thank God and also Muslima website team!

    Just someone need to be careful, I real mean very very careful and please try to have a very good intention.. when using this site.

    There are few those who are serious to get marriage in this site. I really got one and a very good man to me. This happened after I was scammed somehow and God is great I He awakened me before things went into very bad situation. BUT for sure it needs so much patience with prayers, and carefulness especially on the matter of information.!

    about to get scammed

    Guys i am about to get scammed from one of the pious lady from muslima,who i met 2 months agom ,but inshallah i wont let it happen as I am going to reveal her in such a way that she wont be able to live peacefully.

    If you are bored and want to pass the time well and good,but for marriage nopps.

    Majority of women want to suck your blood.


    hi i have been using this site for 2 years now and i can honestly say is good if uve got money and a life to waste .if ur not cearfull wil be used. most of the girls and men on this site are after an easy ride to eurpe so dont be a donkey.

    good if uve got nothing better to do

    the whole site is a big scam lot of fake intrests and mail

    Good site

    I used this site for 6 months and I was a paid member.
    I found many real girls on this site. Exchanged phone numbers and skype and facebook with them. This is real site and I would recommend it. Mostly moroccan girls but many others too. This is real site and I liked it alot. There are few russian and ukrainian scammers too on this site but just don't send money to anyone.
    Good luck!

    Many real profiles/girls

    few scammers asking for money

    do not waste your time in

    I am a free member on this site for years. i have wasted my time i did not got anything from this site.

    profile of very beautical girls

    in reality wether they exist or not nobody knows

    Scam Site - Stay Away!

    This site is full of Moroccan, Tunisian and Indonesian girls primarily. Every now and then there is like an influx of girls from another country ALL AT THE SAME TIME! How is that possible? Maybe the site is targeting marketing in a specific country? Or could it be that they're uploading batches of fake profiles?

    I have never met anyone from this site and I've been a member for years.

    Some pictures of nice looking girls

    Scam site. Nobody there is real.

    Scammed on

    I was scammed professionally by a girl called Melanie Sharon Catar, who claimed to be from Canada, reverted Muslim, 26 years old, orphan and acted our the perfect muslima that a man could wish for.
    She played all the right cards with me extremely cleaverly and gained my trust over a period of 6-7 weeks and eventually asked for financial help that she needs to get her fathers last investments from Turkey and surely enough I fell for it and lost around $1700 and the 3rd time she asked for money I understood I was being scammed and gave her a mouthfull.
    Being an IT consultant I was sure that it was impossible for me to be scammed by someone online but no I was wrong. There are very cleaver people out there so people dont trust anyone easily even if they sound like the most religious and God fearing individual you have ever met.

    A lot of people on the website...

    A lot of scammers on the website.


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