JapanCupid.com Reviews

Japancupid.com has joined a great many Japanese singles with their matches from around the globe, making it a standout amongst the most trusted Japanese dating destinations. Whether you're searching for a date or the affection of your life, discover them in a fun and secure environment on Japancupid.com. Began in 2005, Japancupid.com is a piece of the entrenched Cupid Media arrange that works in excess of 30 respectable specialty dating destinations. As one of the biggest Japanese dating locales, we have a great many Japanese ladies joining ordinary intrigued by reaching somebody like you. With a commitment to interfacing singles all around, we present to you a site that provides food solely to bona fide Japanese dating. Whether you're searching for affection generally or globally, we bring Japan to you regardless of where on the planet you may be. Online rate dating is about making continuous connections. Whether you're searching for adoration or searching for somebody to meet at this time, during 5-time livejapancupid.com will unite you with nearby singles who are online and prepared to visit. As a heading Japanese dating site, it is an effectively unite Japanese singles from around the globe to meet their perfect match. A large number of upbeat singles have discovered love on our Japanese dating site and have imparted their stories to us. Look at the numerous examples of overcoming adversity here. Japancupid.com is a pro dating and matchmaking site that aids individuals from Japanese and Western foundations to discover their ideal match. We offer well disposed administration combined with complex pursuit and informing offices that will make your quest for genuine romance fun and pleasant. It likewise comprehend the inspirations and desires of individuals from differing foundations looking to discover their ideal match and feel that our own particular encounters might be of significant aid. Seek through thousands profiles of appealing, cordial men and ladies from all foundations looking to reach somebody much the same as you. Your own particular individual inbox permits you to effortlessly and namelessly discover your ideal match. Include a profile immediately and connect a photograph. Japancupid.com is worked by Cupid Media Pty Ltd, a company that has practical experience in the improvement of database-driven dating destinations.


With a JapanCupid.com free membership, you can easily meet singles through this website. To benefit more from your membership, you can become a paid member. Upgrading your account gives you a JapanCupid.com promo price: 3 months of Gold Membership will cost you $ 20.00 per month: you will save 33%! The JapanCupid.com promo price for 3 month Platinum Membership is $ 23.33 per month. When you're upgrading your membership for more than 1 month, a JapanCupid.com discount is provided to you.


The JapanCupid.com contact information as shown on the website is the following: 011 61 7 55711181 is the JapanCupid.com contact number for US and Canadian consumers. For JapanCupid.com contact from Europe or UK you can call 00 61 7 5571 1181.

JapanCupid.com Reviews

    60 215 00 83

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    females are alone, than the write-up might just alter your
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    I realize what it's like because I've been there. I found myself single and desperate back into the day
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    to hookup with alluring ladies without going to those locations in which the females are alone, than the write-up might
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    partner -- but I continued trying because I needed hardly any other option. If you're just one person who would
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    write-up might just alter your life. It is going to explain why
    internet dating on the internet is the best substitute if you're a male who is shy to technique an attractive woman in a club
    or team.

    Fake member suspicions...

    I've used the site off and on for years, only with a paid subscription for very shirt periods of time... And during those times, I noticed a few patterns that still seem a bit fishy to me: I would recieve quite a lot of Interest and a fair amount of messages from women, usuall more Chinese than Japanese, but the conversations always seemed to evaporate rather quickly, and on multiple occasions they would stop responding until just shortly after my paid subscription expired, and then suddenly I would recieve a new message and this have to renew my subscription to read it. The longest interaction I had was with a Filipino woman living in Australia, she seemed pretty authentic and very highly intelligent, but always gave rather short replies... On one or two occasions her profile disappeared completely, and she later explained that some guy was getting really creepy and aggressive towards her. She seemed to want me to respond to her, but she set her profile to not allow communications from male members, effectively keeping me blocked until just after my paid subscription ran out, THEN she changed her settings and sent another message, this time wanting to Skype. I didn't bother, since she claimed she already had a biyfriend and was here to meet friends. Seriously, you're going to pay money for conversations with strangers that lead nowhere? Not me. Most of the other members I've contacted myself didn't speak enough English to have a meaningful conversation, so I think I'm pretty much done with it. That's my experience.

    Japanese women... That's about the only good thing I can think of, but I actually have no assurance that they're even real.

    Too expensive, and some interactions seem like bait set out just to keep you pouring money into a subscription.

    Waste of time and money

    I tried that dating site and I sent lots, lots, lots, lots of messages and just a few answers, then I was keeping on messaging and then I couldn't meet to somebody!.
    Unfortunately only women over the age of 45, the younger women were looking for white caucasian men with hi income!.


    Waste of money and time

    not a real world, enjoy or not it is up to you.

    perverts are below

    ①non payed members who are online everyday.
    They write us just one word "Line?".
    They send this to everyone they see.

    why can't they pay to invest posibilities?
    why they are onlie everyday without paying? too poor?

    ②those who had non japanese-but- asian wife or partner.
    why always asian??? 80% of men in JQ is this categoly.

    ③profile pictures took in bed or naked. or in pilot clothes.
    self confience is ok, but they send silent message "I'm super silly".

    ④saying their job is super successful.
    I am so sure they are not.

    ⑤those who living in capital city of their country.
    usually 2 or 3 hours from capital.
    only 1 percent of them live in capital.

    ⑥talk is fun but never even try to come see me in japan.
    they secretly have scary wife and crying kids.

    its very fun to kill time.
    enjoyable short and casual talk.

    shallow talk never leads real friendship or partnership.
    men and women in japancupid both talk with many many people so people forget each other.

    and so many perverts like above.

    many are over 40 yo geeks

    Mostly are old men like over 40 years old never got married,
    there are many reason over 40 and never married.

    Those say "I have not met right".
    I don't think so, they are committment phobiac.
    Even 60 yo talk to me. oldre than my father, crazy.

    I found many men in japancupid also log in koreancupid, chinesecupid, thaicupid, worldfriend, internationalcupid, dateinasia etc etc toooo many.

    they have huge time to kill? or they are mentally ill?

    Plus some men are married but saying they are single.
    We have website which japanese girls come and talk about geeky episodes with creepy men from japancupid. everyday full of crazy story.

    none. it is a false world.

    normal men are 20s and early 30s.
    normal hunk don't log in much.(they do not log in more than a month sadly, because they are normal hunk)

    99% are "I love asian girls!" men.
    They never care about indivisual. They just love asian girls.

    every vacation they travel asia(cheap country). keep log in cupid searching for asian.

    I met some european and usa guys in bangkok. nightlife in thai is too wild and crazy for japanese.
    geeky westernguys love it. those kind of type use japancupid.

    I am sure they have many asian girls in their Line or kakao or wechat or whatever it is.

    Too many creepy asianfetish

    Me: Japanese female.

    I used the website a year.
    It is very easy to use, you can see who are online and not.
    If you like the profiles and photos, you can send heart mark.
    Nice system.

    Problem is men are so crazy about asian girls like a sickness. I was surprised many have Line ID which is only used in Japan and maybe thailand.
    Many of them want to move to Japan. If failed, they will go try chinese, korean, if failed, they try taiwan, thailand...

    The worst type is having maltiple talking application.
    Line for japanese and thai girls.
    Kakao for korean girls.
    Wechat for chinese girls.

    And some of them are online long hours every single day.


    They are definately geek who can't have nice relationship with women of their own country, so they made this huge illusion and fantasy for asian girls: Geek.

    easy to use.
    easy to re write profiles and so on.

    too many geeks and creepy men they just love asian girls.

    they have 100 girls in their contact lists from JQ or other websites or their southeast asia trip.

    If they can afford to come Japan, they come look for girls in Japan. They are there because they cannot afford.

    It's not worth it

    I set up my profile and everything yesterday. After uploading a profile photo I got tons of messeges inner short time almost from old men, some creepers and perverts.
    Most of those men does not read your profile and they will send you interest and messages without even looking at your headline text.
    Some are for the first really nice but then they turn to creepers and perverts.
    Some are getting rude (almost the oldies), when you nicely write them you have no interest.

    I guess, this plattform is more for example for women with daddy complex, someone who loves weirdos.


    - people do not read your profile, headline and do not respect your interests
    - price (I would pay if it where worth it)
    - cat calling men... where are your manners, guys?! wtf

    Enjoy..but with caution

    I've been a member of Japan Cupid and koreancupid on and off for about a year-and-a-half now. Honestly there scammers and egotistical individuals on both sites. I think someone else here said it best... online dating can be very unforgiving. the best thing is look at it as one just way of meeting new people/making friends. If this is your only way of meeting new people, you're bound to be disappointed. You're going to run into scammers, fake profiles, Knuckleheads that can't read and people that don't fit what it is you might be specifically looking for. I made the mistake of " locking in " on "types" and profile photos...only to be disappointed..and realizing it was really my fault. Besides the fact that men are usually "chasing" and women are "choosing" in real life...and the virtual world...most women aren't reading many of the emails they receive anyway... either because there are just too many or they are dissatisfied with the responses. With everything going on there it just pays to have an open mind...and if you meet someone cool with similar interests, even if you just end up being friends, it's still a good thing.

    One way to meet new people.

    Was told some of my photos I tried to add were not clear and blurry however some photos I'very seen on women's profiles were even more blurry. Rules for photos are applied inconsistently.

    Also I've noticed that I've gotten more responses and emails sent to my profile near the end or after my subscription has ended. The website's way of trying to get you to pay for another subscription...using their own fake profiles?

    Perhaps I'm the lucky one?

    I joined the site. Before I added any pictures I got messages saying, You are cute etc. That was impossible. I didn't even add any pictures yet. Then I did add pictures and did a three month paid subscription for $69.99. I got no less than 8 cute ladies respond and much more interested hits in a few days. (You can click on interested if you don't have a paid subscription.)

    I at first just assumed they were all bots. I wanted to find someone but just said what is $69.99 anyway? I spend more than that on dinner by myself sometimes.

    I complained to them that everyone was writing me with the headline, "Hi, there." Why are you letting all these bots on your site? I never really expected much.

    Well one of those "bots" told me that she was currently in my hometown. I asked her out skeptical cause her english was way too good for someone born in Japan. I told myself, I'm probly getting set up for some prank but I'll go to meet her and see if this is real.

    Long story short, she was a real cutie. Great personality. I'm in love. I quit the site and we are going steady. This site is a great way to get introductions to beautiful Japanese woman or whomever (a few Chinese ladies did message me that I thought were scams because they were too long intros.)

    This all feels surreal. Honestly!

    Worked for me.

    Even after this positive experience, I can say, there are bots. Why would ladies message me saying I'm cute without me even having a picture up yet. But keep positive because not all of them are bots.

    You also need to understand, this is just for introductions. If you don't know how to talk to woman, don't have anything to offer them, than I'm pretty sure you are gonna strike out. These are quality woman here, not some picture bride I wanna get out of my country because I'm starving type of ladies.

    worst dating site

    I'm a white girl. I joined to date with japanese guys.
    I filled out my profile, my "match info". I wrote that i'm looking for japanese guys only.
    Nobody reads that.
    I get messages from 48-70 years old ugly, fat, white and black men. 1 out of 20 people who send me messages are asian...but even they are 35-50 years old and extremely boring, unable to hold a conversation.

    I think normal dating sites like okcupid are better. More asians

    - Nothing

    - Full of ugly, fat, old white and black men who can't read at all
    - No active asian male members
    - You can only deactivate your profile, but not delete it

    Cupid is a scam

    The "Cupid" name is a world wide organization registered i through shell companies in an anonymous tax haven. It has been sold several times for large sums because it is highly profitable and does not pay any tax.
    Japan Cupid is a typical example of the way the Cupid companies operate. They use pictures of attractive females to attract males who then have to pay to contact the females. Of course the reality is never the lovely female you were initially drawn to. In fact he is a guy from Africa or an older lady looking to form a connection and then ask you for "support " or help.
    The Cupid company makes a lot of money and does not provide any real services.

    An excellent way to waste time and money if you are not able to visit interesting countries and actually meet real people.

    A complete waste of time.
    Run by a company which pays no tax in any country. Sue me if you can prove me wrong "Cupid ".

    fakecupid?.com sounds more like it!

    i just joined last night, and set up my profile and everything...of course i'm only looking for friendship, and i put female seeking female. apparently the website thaught it would be fun to switch/update my profile changing my gender to male [i guess it's one of those "only straights allowed" sites] so, i deleted all my pictures, and changed a few things and deleted/switched off my account


    1-selfish! they're greedy, and wont let anyone really do anything unless you pay
    2-they FORCE people to seek ONLY the opsite gender

    Great place to meet people

    I have been a gold member for 5 years, and have in person met over 12 ladies, all nice, with a couple unbalanced! But a great place to meet people

    Easy to meet girls, but a few stalkers are in the crowd, just keep emailing, and add several pictures.

    Some scammers, but easy to spot, a few stalkers, and a few girls on this site, that I think have been recycled over and over with many guys

    Hit or miss

    There's no doubt in my mind that JapanCupid.com is indeed authentic. Now with being said, there are indeed scammers that prowl this website. Then there's a matter of member having expectations high in excess.

    Trying to get an actual Japanese girl to respond is a massive chore, that is unless you are extremely handsome, rich, highly educated, and either planning a trip to Japan or living there. I would not recommend JapanCupid.com if you don't plan on going to Japan in the near future or live there.

    My next issue is exclusively for Chinese members who use this site. It seems a great a deal of them make contact with you to exchange emails and eventually con unsuspecting men onto a website called Fatemeet.com. This website is all pay to do anything, including communication, don't fall for it. I recommend if someone from China does contact you, make it clear that you will not use Fatemeet.com.

    Then we have people from Ghana or some other place in Africa posing as someone they clearly are not. The most experience I have is someone asking for funds to buy a phone so they could take pictures to send to me. Yeah...

    Again, I do believe the JapanCupid.com and its affiliated sites are indeed real, however, they are ripe with scammers. Then of course you have people signing up simply out of curiosity who have no plans to tie the knot with a foreigner.

    My advice, keep your expectations low unless you plan on going to Japan or already live there. Also, pay close attention to detail in how people respond to you. Allot of times a scammer won't read your profile or even read questions to ask, it's a dead give away. Pictures, scammers will use pictures of extremely gorgeous women, watch out for that too.

    If you know the local language, that too would be an added bonus in your effort to find someone, not many members have a great command of the English language. Other than that, yeah the site is real with real members, but it's just shy of being a lost cause if you plan to find love, however, that's with any sort of online dating, if you're a guy the odds are definitely NOT in your favor.

    I want to add that I am not some disgruntled member. This is all based on my unbiased observations, I have made contact with some members, but I signed up with low expectations to begin with.

    It's real and there are real people to chat with if you can find them.

    There's enough cons that I'd suggest meeting women in real life as opposed to attempting online dating. Note: you will have to pay to utilize messaging on JapanCupid.com and any of its affiliated sites. Quite frankly it's not worth it.

    Pros and Cons

    I joined recently so it may be too early to review, however, with that being said, I can review a few things with confidence.

    1. There are gold farmers on JC, most seem to be Chinese in origin. Usually they will try to get your email and after a few email conversations they will try to get you to sign up on fatemeet and some other site.

    2. It is VERY hard to get a response. People, keep your expectations LOW, or you will easily be crushed. For me it doesn't matter if anything comes of JC or not. The fact of the matter is JC like any other form of online dating can be super unforgiving.

    3. The site is fairly simple and easy to navigate. Naturally it helps to be a paying member. I paid for a full membership, either way women will cost money at some point.

    4. Again keep your expectations LOW, and I mean VERY LOW!

    I personally can say with 100% confidence that I will not be finding a Japanese girl here, but that's the reality of online dating. Your milage may vary, good luck!


    Beware of fakes and gold farmers.


    Don't register

    absolutely nothing

    - The number of young japanese men is very small
    - Noone reads your profile. They will send you interest and messages without even looking at your headline text.
    - Like i said, men on this site are unable to read. . .so even if you want to meet JAPANESE men, only fugly, old white or black grandpas would contact you.
    - Most people with paid membership don't have any pictures and their profile isn't filled out either. I love it how they always start the conversations with " you look so pretty". Well i can't say the same.
    - I can't share any contact info on my profile.
    - It's a waste of time

    Upgrade or forget about it

    Joining is always free.. BUT that just means you can see the people. YOU CANNOT communicate with others unless you pay to do so. Because of the heavy flow of spam, fakes and other like minded users you can't be assured that it isn't a waste of money.

    There aren't any until they make the site partially free.

    Cant think of any. Site is designed solely for luring you in for free then getting all these fake emails of fakes to weed out maybe 1 in 20 users as being real,

    You cannot communicate in any way unless you pay.

    no japanese men

    This site is useless. I'm an european girl. I registered to meet JAPANESE men....but mostly just white men talked to me.

    A few japanese men sent me messages too, but all of them were older than 50... I was so bored that I replied to some, but they had absolutely nothing to talk about. I felt like a detective, that only I asked questions.

    I had more luck on okcupid, and omiai.
    Even badoo is better than this.

    (p.s. sorry for my english)


    - 9 out of 10 men who contacted me were white. I even wrote in my headline that ''only japanese men, please''... I guess noone can read.
    - It takes a day until photos are approved/declined
    - There are not enough active japanese male members

    Site full of catfish, clownfish, and whales!

    I was recommended this site by a friend. Thank God I did not spend my hard-earned cash on this site! This is the worst site on earth. The first thing that upset me was that, I am a non-Asian woman and non-Asian men are flirting with me! These men obviously have to be joking or are just dumb because I specifically stated what age range I wanted and I wanted an ASIAN MAN! I can meet white, black, and hispanic men in real life. Why are you on Japancupid if you are not interested in Japanese women!!? Stop wasting my time!

    Second complaint, most of the men interested in me are super old and gross. Old enough to be my grandfather. Not all of us what a mack/big daddy or whatever that crazy crap is called. I don't have daddy issues, not desperate, or insecure. JC needs to get more strict features! Thankfully, I have met and married a Japanese man in real life. If you are not a old white man, then your chances of finding love on this site are slim. You will become highly discouraged and disgusted with your matches, in which they are NO WHERE NEAR what you want! I never wanted a 75-year-old grandpa simpson liking me! When these age group of men added me to their favorite group, I logged off for good. That was the last nail in the coffin. Waste of time and would have been a waste of money too because the men who contacted me, in which I had to pay to see their message, where obviously either fake, married, or hiding something since they lacked a picture. A lot of profiles lacked a picture, so it is a fake site! This site is a magnet for catfish, clownfish, and whales (old, gross, balding, and over-weight white dirty men). What a jooookkkke!!!


    -The whole site in general. Save up to go to Japan!
    -It's very suspicious if you have to pay to see messages. It's a cry for desperation and getting ripped off. Don't pay for this site when you can get a Japanese date for free!

    Best site to meet Japanese women

    I guess I shouldn't be surprised by all the negative reviews and scam claims. Every time something doesn't work for someone it's a scam. That's not Japan Cupid's fault though. If you are not at least a "gold member" Japanese women will not consider you to be "serious" and you will surely get no results.

    This website is intended for white men to meet Japanese women in Japan. Duh! If you don't live in Japan and are not white or Japanese your chances are nearly zero. If I sound racist, well I don't know what to tell you. This is the reality of Japan, when it comes to racism they are worse than we are.

    There are always scammers and if you can't spot them you're probably not the brightest bulb in the world. Young pretty Japanese girl is interested in you and sends you an email first? Scam! Some other pretty young girl from another Asian country emails you? Scam or citizenship hunter.

    Japan Cupid is a legitimate site and I think a very good one for what it is intended. The women lie about their age as a general rule and all want you to give them free English lessons. Who cares. Communication is going to be your biggest obstacle unless you speak fluent Japanese at a native level or vice versa. Keeps most all relationships at a very superficial level unfortunately.

    I feel all the obstacles and hassles are worth it.

    Lots of Japanese women.

    Scammers, but easy to spot.
    Too many citizenship hunters from other Asian countries I have no interest in.

    Japan Cupid Sent Me An Angel

    I read Carlton's scathing review of Japan Cupid, so I thought I'd put my two cents' worth in. I found my wife on Japan Cupid, and also found a good friend, which was a bonus! Also, the responses I received were overwhelming- I actually didn't have time to reply to all of the young ladies who contacted me! I am forever in Japan Cupid's debt!

    Lots of funny, cute and personable young ladies, mostly marriage-minded. Unlimited contact, so long as one of the two is a paying member.

    There might be a few scammers working the site, but Japan Cupid is quick to step in and remedy any reports of possible scammers.

    Why will no one respond to me??

    I have always loved Japan more than any Asian country and have always wanted to date a girl from there. I join Japancupid.com, create my profile, describing myself and everything I love about Japan. I upload photos and send TONS of messages. If I'm lucky, maybe......2 out of every 20 girls I message say anything back. Only half of them even read my messages or view my profile! I have two theories here:
    1. Japanese women are racist as F#@$ and will not talk to foreigners on any circumstances or just don't like me no matter how nice I am to them.
    2. Japancupid.com is a generic, corporate, money-grabbing site part of an entire scamming network with fake profiles and/or hired prostitutes who go after select men.

    *Based on many other reviewers, my second theory sounds more accurate. I have heard too many good things about Japan to believe my first. Therefore I will moving to another Japanese dating site.


    The site itself.

    Good Site

    Signed up for a month subscription 2 months ago. Sent a message to a lady she's Filipina and with in 4 days got a response. We have been communicating off the site for 2 months now e-mails, phone calls, text message, hand written letters. She hasn't asked me for any money or gave me a sob story about how hard her life is or she needs money for a sick relative or what ever kind of story that most scammers come up with. I invited her to come and visit me next year and she said that she would save some money to come.

    Maybe I just got lucky I don't know or the ones with the negative comments just don't know how to make a profile and send a considerate message. I will tell you this I was on Match.com for a year and sent I don't know how many messages to ladies and did not get one response. I also notice that this varies from site to site so I only join these sites for 1 month and go to another.

    Yes there are plenty of scammers out there my advice is read and learn about the about the scams there are plenty of sites about scams, be skeptical don't send any money to any one. Don't give any contact info until you are comfortable with the lady. If the lady likes you she will continue to communicate with you off the site. You will know if the lady is genuine or not. Yes I have been scammed and it was from a woman in my own state where I live imagine that. So just because they are in another country doesn't make them a scammer. There are just as many in the US and are just as hard to track.

    So do your homework and if the messages seems like they are hinting towards money just delete them from your list pronto

    Easy to navigate and plenty of available women. If you are in the US only contact the ones that have, Willing to relocate to another country on there profile

    Long distance relationships

    Might be legit.

    I'm an ugly 46 year old man, and I actually got one response and one date off of this site from a girl that was local and was about ten years younger. That's a better result than I got from Plenty of Fish or OK Cupid, so I'm not ready to call it a scam.

    Chance of responses.

    Mostly for long distance.

    Filled in all the details, profile terminated.

    I was recommended this site by a friend and thought I'd try it out.

    I'm a 26 year old attractive caucasian woman looking for friendship and possibly more. I'm not in Japan right now but I'm planning to go back soon.

    I filled in my profile with all details, uploaded a photo and even verified my account.
    I didn't even get to browsing before my profile was suddenly "terminated and cannot be reactivated".

    I e-mailed them about it but I haven't gotten a reply yet.

    I was sort of left with the same feeling that all my white classmates used to give me in Japan; Asian girl or GTFO.

    I guess I'll wait and see if they will reply or not..

    Easy enough to understand.

    Nice matching system.

    Got terminated within 20 minutes with no explanation given.

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