Don't waste your time and money

Don't waste your time and money

so, I tried their 3 day trial period. just to see what it was like. wow, what an eye opener.

first, i don't think there's a single REAL profile on that site. if you google photos, you'll eventually find them on other dating sites, or on porn sistes for amateur members. as well, as soon as you create your account, you start getting e-mails. i had created mine, but left my profile and info blank for several days. yet I got several messages from women statnig they loved my profile, thought my photos were hot….when I didn't have any photos posted.

so, I figured it's only $8, so I tried the 3 day trial…..and only got 2 hours worth. seems they cancelled my membership after 2 hours of surfing. I've spoken to a half dozen (well, I think different operators but who knows…) operators about this issue. the only thing they keep telling me is "other web pages interfere with this sites, so you must delete cookies, cache, etc. then reboot 15 times while dancing a naked voodoo dance around your computer and praying to the Gods". the end result is they continually disconnect, ignoring the issue.

so, overall I would say this is one of those EXTREMELY bad scam sites. fake profiles, fake operators, no assistance and only interested in scamming your money.


everything. read the review

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