I joined about 6 weeks ago,waited 7 days before able to post,had about 16 hours on site then my profile was deleted.
I was accused of being a banned member [ think her name was bestbefore?] Whoever this person was she certainly left her mark, as the paranoia on the threads is rife!
As the site is open to view, whether you are a member or not, I checked the Forums again, and saw that the frenzied mob on there were accusing another member of being this bestbefore.What the hell's that all about!
In just a short while I discovered the site is run by certain members whose posts leave a lot to be desired ,sexually,racially,whatever. Almost like a porn site judging by some of the posts . You will be torn to shreds and banned if your face doesn't fit from what I have seen of late.
My advice,avoid C.S. like the plague.Other sites are much more friendly ,as I have discovered.
Not on there long enough to find out.!
Too much interference by members who appear to control the site.
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