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To start the process of remove profile, go to in the top right corner. Click Account Settings and go to Profile Settings. Here you’ll find the button to make your profile inactive. This is not a delete account button, but your profile won’t be visible to other members.


To get a free promo membership, you need to upload a profile photo. You don’t need a promo code, just upload a photo and you’ll have access to your free account. To get full access to all the features on the website, you’ll need a Gold Membership. The price for this membership is $2,61 per day for al trial for 3 days. For a Gold Membership for 18 months, you can pay $5,24 per month.


For contact, send an e-mail to [email protected]. Reviews

    Not perfect, but I love it

    One thing I don't love about this site is their marketing... some people sign up under (which is all about hooking up) and some people sign up under (mostly women who are expecting a relationship with a wealthy man). That alone leads to conflicts.

    I've loved the site, though... the video chat is very entertaining and I've met some very high quality women here. It's not easy to make that initial connection and it requires some work, but there are many real women, fantastic and fun women, on this site.

    I do think that some profiles are fakes, but many are not. It's less expensive than match and has some great features such as an easy-to-use IM. Give it a shot, why not?

    video chat

    misleading marketing
    some fake profiles

    The women on here are insanely hot

    I tried a few dating sites and some free ones too and this one is the best one by far. I like the women on this site so much. So many hot ones.

    ALOT of hot women.
    Met a few they are mostly real. Some use old photos and are fat now.

    Sort of expensive at $24.99. It's good though because you get rid of the posers that can't afford to be on here.


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