I read reviews of the site before so I knew there were fake profiles and I had also been told that women journalists use the site, but I had been a non - gold member for while and thought I had seen some genuine women's profiles. Wrong. Once I paid all the interest (like "virtual kisses" on my profile) stopped dead. Of those I wrote to most did not even reply, one asked for money nearly straight away and one other - who I was quite keen on - eventually admitted to be in it for the flirting but did not want to meet. Then a day before my subscription was due to run out the "virtual kisses" started again. I would feel better in myself if I had given the money to charity. Complete waste of time and money. The site is a scam, as simple as that.
Few, if any, real women.
Of those that are "real" some are sex workers
Site might be used by journalists looking for stories. Beware!
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