"Frankly,unfortunately,the women that dwells within that particular site as "profiles" isn't "interested" in "Black-American" males.Apparently,I've affiliated myself on "JapanCupid" in search of some "Oriental Love" and yet,rather than to obtain "just that"(i.e."Oriental Love"),I've been "declined" by the women there instead.With that being said,I'll refrain myself from utilizing there ghastly site." -Jeremy Elton Lofton Prairie State College (Chicago Heights,Illinois) [email protected]
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Jeremy hits the nail on the head. As a person of mixed race (Jamaican/North American Indian) I find myself being shut out by the vast majority of Japanese women on this site. They say they want friends from abroad, but obviously that means only if you're Caucasian. Seems like the Japanese are still as xenophobic as ever. You never know though, you may get lucky and actually find a women there willing to take a chance on you if you're a person of colour. But I wouldn't bet on it. So if you're darker than a paper bag and sporting a fro (of any length) steer clear of this site, and probably most Asian dating sites. Not worth the effort until women on that side of the world start changing their stereotypical views.
I don't think that's true. I lived in Japan for 3 years and I saw quite a few J-girls with black men. Met quite a few J-girls who want to date black men.Depends on what part of Japan you're at, like the city. In the countryside however,forget it.
HA HA HAAH im glad im not black
You know theres other women of different races that would be willing to accept you for who you are. and no offense but you sound kind of shady yourself. since you only said that you were looking for oriental love. what makes you think that loves comes in a shade of color. I as a black woman talked to all types of men. black. white. mexican. indian. and even asian and yet I still havent found that right guy but that doesn't mean Im going to stop. so love can be in all shapes and sizes.
You know theres other women of different races that would be willing to accept you for who you are. and no offense but you sound kind of shady yourself. since you only said that you were looking for oriental love. what makes you think that loves comes in a shade of color. I as a black woman talked to all types of men. black. white. mexican. indian. and even asian and yet I still havent found that right guy but that doesn't mean Im going to stop. so love can be in all shapes and sizes.
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