I've only been on this website for a month and I've already gone on a few dates, some went well... and others not so much! I do have a potential Sugar daddy already though! You quickly learn not to be shocked about the kinds of things you read. I've gotten some very dirty emails straight up asking for sex, but very crude! I'm not on this site to use anybody, so if I'm not interested I won't reply. I just got an email being called an "arrogant cunt" because I simply didn't write him back! LOL it makes me laugh, some guys on this site are assholes.
But that is real life for ya, I guess! If you can last to weed out the jerk offs, you will probably find a great guy for yourself!
Some guys are very sweet and real!
A lot of guys want sex and don't take rejection well haha
Takes awhile
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I was wondering if you could help me navigate the site? I'm really really super new to it and I wish I knew other girls who use it.
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