Seeking arrangement is a hoax

Seeking arrangement is a hoax

It does seem odd that these men who self reportedly are worth 10-15 million dollars will squabble over a couple of thousand dollars to have sex with you. Seriously, I had one guy offer to fuck me in my ass in a starbucks bathroom. These guys are vile, disgusting, and will advantage of the naive, so beware. If someone really wants an arrangement with you and make $1 mil a year, they can afford to pay you more than 250 dollars for sex. Or even 500 dollars. I am disappointed by them and how manipulative and horny and ungenuine they are. Someone should work on shutting this site down. It is just a way for men to access beautiful young girls through lies and deceit. I am glad to say that I have not let any dirty mother fucker off the site even kiss me. Make these guys show you the money even before letting them touch you.

total time waster
guys will lie over and over to you
no one seems really serious about an arrangment

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It's your own choice if you let others touch you; you just have to make an arrangement Before meeting them. The real rich men will not hesitate taking a risk of 6000 or whatever number under 10.000..And let them give you the money Before you do anything, on the first date.

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