This is store front for online prostitution.

This is store front for online prostitution.

Many ugly and not attractive women on this site. Over 75% are career prostitutes which include all the college students. There are single mother that are full-time prostitutes from 18 to 50's on this site. I am surprise any one over 40 still working as a prostitute. The single mothers I heard all have loose pussies , so from giving birth to mostly bastard children. Since welfare is only available for a short time nowadays many of these women cannot depend on welfare like before the welfare reform days. They do prostitution to feed their bastard children. Most of them will tell you it is their first time being an online prostitute which is easy to claimed if they keep making new fake profiles on SeekingArrangement.Com and plus 3 other online prostitution websites that all belong to the same owner.

I am so disappointed with all Brandon Wade's fake dating websites. Some of these women are out of their mind wanting that much money????? They are only average looking women with tons of makeup. After the makeup comes off you see the real face = not worth the money...........................................
I met one lady that lied about her age. She claimed to be 10 years younger than her real age. She couldn't even pass for less than 5 years younger than her real age. I paid to have dinner with her and got her true name by seeing her driver's license. I finally found the right person with online people search, Beenverified. I found out her true age and she has long criminal history of shop lifting, prostitution, fraud , and shop lifting............................

To make this story short. 8 out of 10 women I met on this site has criminal records.................. You men had to be careful who you are dating...............
The next date was at my place and stole my check book and used to purchase stuff online. She didn't know my billing address which is not my condo address, so that 4K she tried to steal from me didn't work. She tried to ship the items to a vacant house from what I found out...................................

None. A big waste of money.

You meet mostly sleezy, low class, uneducated women, and average looking women with tons of makeup........................... Most are career prostitutes having sex with as many men as they can hook on sugar daddy websites.
Yuk!! I am so embarrassed I didn't know I dated so many prostitutes out in my community.

Most of these women = prostitutes think they got their men hook, but the truth is they are prostitutes and prostitutes are replaceable easily.................

It is sick that teachers are coming on to these sugar daddy websites to make ends meet. I am a single man and would never date a married woman out, but there are married women that are sugar whores on this website.

I also met a below average Asian lady that looks at herself all the time in the mirror , in the windows' reflection, and takes picture of herself with a selfie stick non stop. After her makeup came off I wanted to run fast. She looked very old.
I couldn't believe what she was telling me. She mainly have sex with married old white men for money, then I realized she also lied about her age to me. She didn't look the age she claimed. She looks more like in her 40's than in her 30's . I had dated many Asian women before in college and I have an idea how they age. I am not saying she has wrinkles, but she definitely cannot pass for 30's

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