Tagged is the pits.

Tagged is the pits.

This site has been around a long time. At once point it bordered on the obscene, but they cleaned up there act in recent times. It is not really a dating site and if you are a girl you will be besieged by men from many North African countries hoping to get into the EU by playing on flattery.If you are a man you will received fake mail from Asia from women who seek 'money' by some pretence or another. To post your 'genuine' photos on it can almost guarantees someone will lift them for clandestine purposes. The so-called staff, located in Sand Francisco are void of humour, so if you are foolish enough to join, don't make comments that contain dry humour. They will remove you quicker than than a Swat Team driving out a miscreant in a hostage situation.

As a social website, I can't find many redeeming features due to the fact there are far too many fake profiles there. The Staff complicate with endless red tape the removal of those who break 'Their rules' or steal your photos.

There are much better social websites out there. This should be last on your list.

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