
if anyone would please help me and read this message. just today i signed onto my boyfriends email that ive been with for 2 and a half years and it says he has an account anyone that has ever used this site , i have to know if he has created an account all by himself so i can break up with him , to create an account you have to do it yourself right ? your email cant just do it for you without you knowing ? i need to catch this liar . he says he has never even gone onto this website hm .

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Anyone can sign you up if they have your email address.It don't really matter though because the site is nothing but scammers and fakes.If hes a free member you can't do anything on the site anyway.If he paid for it he got ripped off.I wouldn't worry about him getting to meet anyone that's real on that site.

I wouldn't worry about. Don't break up with him over it. These dating websites share "cookies" and or sell email addresses to other companies that he may have visited before and that's how he got the email. I have gotten other emails from other dating websites because of it that I have never even heard of before.

thanks , but im so confused because i made an account just to see if you actually have to be a person to get the email and password sent to your email , and i got the exact same email he did except for ofcourse , my account (since i created one to see)... i have no idea "/ he just wont admit it he says he didnt but i dont believe him

I just had the exact same problem. He said he didn't create it and i believe him. I heard nothing but bad news about the site and the profile was never logged in since the first time. he probably just got his info jacked off some other site or something.

I wouldn't worry.The site is all fake anyway.

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