Sensual Agenda

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    I love the site

    Chating with beautiful ladies

    Not meeting me

    Don't waste your money!

    I've been on Tinder, Match, Our Time, EHARMONY, and could hardly get anyone to chat with me, but I got on this site and I had gorgeous women coming at me left and right with nude photos (obviously photo stock pics) and the promises of wanting you to fuck them silly.
    These women or men continuously ask open ended questions so you feel compelled to answer them, when in reality these women or men are getting a commission based on how many credits you use to chat with them. You don't know who's on the other side of the keyboard. It could be some fat, sweaty guy in his Mother's basement texting you these very skilled messages and they make it so provocative that before you know it, you're sharing your dirty thoughts with them as well.
    You almost get a quick response to your messages and it has to be because they do shifts in relation to that person's profile. I was made aware of this when the way the person I was chatting with that morning was using bad grammer and sentencing structure that evening. For example, let's take Tess who I chatted with quite a bit. In the morning she would use proper grammer by saying something like, "I would like to get to know you," in the morning conversation, as opposed to saying "I will like to get to know you" in the evening conversation which sounds totally Russian or from some other foreign entity, and then they would ask you questions again from subjects that were brought up that morning.
    If anyone is planning on getting laid off this site, it ain't happening folks! I tried to push some of these women to get off this site so we could use some other kind of open forum where you didn't have to pay for credits and they wouldn't budge.
    If you like talking dirty and flaunting your junk on line, have fun with that. There are a few lonely souls out there looking for a LTR, and some of them get so desperate they'll drop large amounts of coin with the hopes of finding their perfect mate.
    If you still don't believe me me, read the small print at the bottom of the page attached to each profile. It states the site is used for entertainment purposes only, and if there is a little heart sitting under that person's name, click on it and it says, "Physical contact not possible."
    I would like to eventually find a a FWB or a LTR, but I'm not so desperate that I'm willing to drop that much coin on doing so. Find another site folks, this one just isn't worth the time or the money. Good luck...

    Great nude photo stock.

    Too expensive!

    Not have with site

    Women reach out for seal proposals. They send nude pics. Want you to talk dirty to them, but never make a real move to make the fantasies come to reality. Each message cost between 1 to 3 dollars a message. You would think after 500 message you could like site go. But they want to remain on site and doesn't seem to be a meeting in site. You would think after over 20 women do the same thing I would have caught on quicker.

    Nude pics

    Endless texting

    Not have with site

    Women reach out for seal proposals. They send nude pics. Want you to talk dirty to them, but never make a real move to make the fantasies come to reality. Each message cost between 1 to 3 dollars a message. You would think after 500 message you could like site go. But they want to remain on site and doesn't seem to be a meeting in site. You would think after over 20 women do the same thing I would have caught on quicker.

    Nude pics

    Endless texting


    This site is totally fake. Not one girl is really interested in meeting you. This is all acting and taking your money to get them to respond to your desires of attention. Don’t fall for it.

    Pretty women and some erotic ideas.

    It’s all fake


    I’m trying to find some discreet relationships but all of these women aren’t true they pretend to be here or they’re working but mostly working on this website, all those ADs in all social media platforms are fake and controlled by a person or group then they use pictures of people in social platforms then edit the body of naked one just to earn money. If only all people been victimized but this website can file charges but they can’t coz untraceable or in one area of country been their place of headquarters

    Just the ladies are cute

    All pictures naked for sure edited

    This site is 100% Fake

    I have gone threw hundreds of profiles every one of them fake.

    Gorgeous women

    All Fake

    Fake site filled wigh scams

    Fake site, half of them dont even speak english. They want to chat uo yiur credits and nobldy wants to actuallh meet and if you include a mibile in your text. Yoi get someone who is not the person you emailed. So they have svammers wanting gift cards

    Waste of money?

    If you want to just talk dirty to the women it’s expensive but if you’re actually looking for a connection for get it. If you leave a phone number it won’t make it. You receive *********! I was on another site and the same women were there and their message is identical! So this site is just a money grab or BS. Maybe the females on this site are not real or on the payroll.

    Not much. If you only want to exchange vulgar messages this is a good place.

    Can’t make a connection with anyone.


    ALL these women want to do is talk, Talk, TALK, about sex! They "Talk the Talk" but when it comes time to "Walk the Walk" there are more than a dozen different reasons why they want to Talk More because they "need to know You better, first!" THEN, when you drop them to try with someone else, you keep getting messages wanting to know "WHY are You Mad at Me because I really care about You" line of bull or any one of 10 to 12 excuses! It would be interesting to know just how much their Cut of Your hard earned money is??? Save Your MONEY and frustration at their games! I would rate it as "Zero" stars if I could!

    Nothing good to say about it! Unless You just want to talk about sex and what You want to do to her! For me, it's one, if not the, most expensive "Dating" websites on the internet!

    Talk, Talk, TALK is A-L-L these "women" want to do! It a lot easier to talk In Person AND a LOT CHEAPER at a public location or in the bedroom!

    City, Please?

    Most of the profiles will tell you the "woman" is in your state but not disclose the city. When you ask for that info, you spend one of your credits. As often as not, it turns out the "woman" really does not live in your state. If you stop chatting they will try to provoke you into an answer. More credits gone.

    My second wife used to write answers to letters and emails to porn sites, pretending to be some well-known porn actress. It's a job.

    Internet assault

    This is the worst site I know, although the weapons are not seen, it can be classified as armed robbery, I suppose they use robots to respond and they just wait for it to be spent and spent, please do not waste your money like I did, It is better to go to a bar and have some beers, suddenly there you meet someone, but believe me, surely in Sensual Agenda you will never make it






    This page is the but page before seen. The only thing they want is that you do spend money without having anything in return. it's supposed to be to get a date but it's rubbish. The women say they are eager to have sex and as soon as one gives them the cell number they disconnect. That is why men it is better to go to a nightclub and there if you are going to find what you want.

    SensualAgenda Is Stealing $ Legally �����

    If something seems too good to be true, it usually is too good to be true.I�ve used online dating websites since the beginning for 20 years and know a fraud what I see one and this site is a fraud. For starters, no real site has as many beautiful �, yet horny women just begging to be fucked. Next, no site has some many women hitting on a man morning, noon and night. Next, after about the 3rd hit, I realized that something wack was happening as I reworded my profile at the top to say �USE THIS PHRASE WHEN CONTACTING ME�. Not one reply in 100 used it, even when I asked a 2nd time. Next, when I replied to any of these fictional messages, I gave specific 1., 2., 3. questions in an attempt to gauge whether anyone was actually reading my messages and not a single reply addressed a single question. Next, I contacted [email protected] asking why they erased certain things in the �About Me� section, they said that it takes as many as 72 hours to post my info, yet none of the information was illicit except that I said that �this site has many gremlins�. . Ironically, they posted my "Looking For" information immediately.

    My huge mistake and probably yours is that I did not read any of these similarly written reviews in advance of purchasing credits. Fortunately, I only purchased a few of them �.

    Very attractive photos of very attractive women with some very �pretty little pussies� ����

    Read my review. After a few hours spent over a couple of days, it is a total waste of time. The few remaining credit I have shall be forfeited as is a total waste of time.

    It's all a scam

    Just like many of the other reviews about this website like my phone doesn't work or my computer's locked up or when asked questions about them they move to a different question and answer session they mislead they don't tell the truth or they avoid answering questions

    If you like to throw away money this is the place for you

    The people are fictitious they're not real I don't anybody that I have talked to that use this site is happy

    This site sucks

    I bought some credits thinking I would atleast have a chance of meeting some women the company of this site should be sued cause all it is is a scam andd dad as far as I am concerned they are just stealing from people


    Scam scam scam


    I've sent my number and email address and said they could create a fake profile. No one was willing. 1 i am speaking with now seems om but i have noticed discrepancies in some replies like there is more than 1 person anwsering. They also do not want to anwser questions about themselves but are all about knowing you. Once these current credits are gone then I'm done. Deleting contact info because of greed at other peoples expense is unforgiveable.

    Can't really think of any pros that go with the scam.

    Seems more than 1 person associated with the chat so you might not be conversing with whom you thought. Think the 900 calls and guys pretending to be girls!

    it is a scam and fraud

    this site is a scam, no real members, all fictitious and fraud messages. not worth a penny

    if you just need to chat with a fictitious person

    all fraud

    This Sucks!!!

    I could not recommend this site to Anyone I know. Maybe if you’re rich old and stuck in bed. Like cannot meet up. I have yet to “meet” one of these woman!!!

    Lots of sexual talk!!!

    No sex. And kinda scripted!!!

    Not what it seems

    This site is a misrepresentation to what it advertises. You buy credits to participate, roughly $1.50 a credit. You send a message to some lady and the site monatures you message if you send a contact number or an address, the site deletes your message, I have some ladies send me their phone number but some of the numbers were X ed out. Most are baited profiles, if you do make a connection, it is after you spend $100. You are led to believe that if you spend a credit $1.50 you can send a message and make a connection, wrong. My profile was deleted several times, I email them asking why, well it seems that my profile discouraged anyone contacting me and they the company would loose revenue because of that, I did more research and found out that the company is located in the Netherlands so there is nothing anyone from the US can do about it. Just another scam to get money for nothing.


    About everything


    None of these women want to hookup. They talk dirty and try to keep you interested so you can keep buying credits. They ask the same questions over and over. It's as if there's a script their following. They probably get a bonus if they get us to buy more credits. Don't fall for it like me.

    Dirty talk. But that's all you get. Oh and a large Bill.

    Sensual but mostly waste of time

    Girls are mostly good looking on the site and they all have good stories - some better than others of course - "met" one in particular who was very nice and fun to chat with and who was very good at erotic sexual imagery. But her stories seemed to "thin out" over a few days and her questions to seemed programmed after a while, as if she were following several screens at once- haha - but worth the $100 spent at $1.20 per message, just for the experience. Altogether, I'd do it again - once or maybe twice. Otherwise, rather watch Chaturbate, etc. for the real thing and DO read the "heart" icon next to the girls' age on their profiles - no physical contact possible - and that is about a guarantee. Covid is the current excuse for chat only, and each message bears a fee!

    Fun experience with the right contact.

    No meetups, but rational reasons given for why not? But you are unlikely ever to meet one of these women in person so be forewarned!


    I spent hours checking out the ladies on the site. They are all entertainers NOT memorable


    Waste of money

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