Reviews from this user (67986)

Be Smart

Review about Seeking Arrangement

Let me start off by saying that I am a nice, attractive, smart college student. I first heard of "sugar dating" through the media and figured it'd be an interesting experience so I decided to give it a shot. I should also mention that I have a "premium membership" because I registered with my .edu email. I've been on SA for about a year now and have had both positive and negative experiences. I am also a member of a competitor site with a much worse web layout but I've surprisingly found more success there than on SA. I've met real millionaires, been flown across the country, have had cars sent for me, and have even ridden around in a lamborghini.

On the flip side I've also met locals who are not millionaires but are rather quite well off, I find that those men are often the kindest and most generous. Through all of my experiences I have only had one steady SD , we're approaching a year of knowing one another and he's an attractive, great, younger guy. That being said, there are some things that concern me about SA and how it's run.. I was contacted by an "SD" who had multiple attractive photos and a very well written profile which said he was "worth" 10-50 million...

We exchanged a few messages and seemingly hit it off. Being a photography student I asked him why all of his photos were taken in a studio and if he would mind sending some casual shots before meeting. He immediately got defensive saying that those were the only photos he had and that they should suffice. Weary of his response, I saved his profile photos to my computer and uploaded them to a site that does a reverse photo search of billions of images already on the web, (just google tineye).

Turns out he had stolen every photo from a modeling site which I was also a part of! I confronted him in a blunt message and immediately blocked him. I then politely emailed SA to report him, handing over all of his information on a silver platter, even the link to the model's portfolio, only to see them do nothing about it. That was about 3 months ago and his profile still works to this day. It bothers me that he is out there scamming other girls who may not be smart enough to figure it out. His profile is 877352.

I also had another man contact me claiming to be some big photographer blah blah blah, he put his contact info in the message so naturally I googled him. ALWAYS do a short google search of names and numbers! Turns out he had sent the same exact message to many other girls and was running an escort service, go figure. I again blocked and reported him to SA. I still have yet to receive any response. His profile is 752271. The contact info he gave me was

[email protected]
(416) 951-6856 (Cell)

Just google his cell and you'll find tons of references to escort services.

In the end it all boils down to doing your research and knowing who you're talking to. ALWAYS meet in a safe, public place and never do anything you're uncomfortable with. If he is a true SD he will have no problem accommodating to your requests.

One last little gripe about SA... I have a feeling they mess with my messages. I often write to SDs first and on rare occasions I notice that my message was never read although I see them online. At first I thought they just must not interested but recently I messaged a guy and a day went by with the little red X by my message meaning he never opened it or had just deleted it. I thought nothing of it until he later favorited me and messaged me with no reference to my original message. After reading his message, I went and checked my outbox and the red X was still there next to my original message meaning he hadn't read it, meaning he had never received it... I am curious to know why SA won't send some messages and if anyone has had a similar experience?

All in all SA has brought me to some amazing people and experiences so I can't complain too much.. I would recommend SA to those who are patient and have their wits about them.. As long as you're not ignorant and desperate you should come out on top! Hope my review helps! :)

real SDs
decent website
entertaining blog

sketchy message system
poor customer service


Review: Be Smart

Yeah it's I registered with them about a year ago and so far it's been working.. When I joined it was completely free, I didn't even have to put in any credit card info. I'm not sure if that's still the case or not. The site layout is poor and basic but they do have some cool features that SA lacks...

When you interact with someone by either messaging them or viewing their profile, there's a history feature under their photo which reminds you of the interaction and let's you know if the ball is "in your court" so to speak. It's a good reminder if you have trouble remembering who's viewed you or messaged you or vice versa.

They also have an IM and video chat feature although I have never used it. A negative is that if you're a basic member you can only read and respond to paying member's (gold) messages. But on the other hand that is also helpful in weeding out the real SDs from the fakes.. Again, be smart, be safe, and good luck! :)